Thursday, November 30, 2006

Вижте сегашния сайт на европеистиката на официалната университетска страница. Там има линк, а това, до което ни отвежда, е пълен абсурд!
European Integration and Supranational Governance

Sandholtz, Wayne (Editor), Associate Professor, Department of Politics and Society
Stone Sweet, Alec (Editor), Associate Professor, Department of Politics and Society, both at the University of California, Irvine

Publication date 1998 (this edition)Print ISBN-10: 0-19-829464-6 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-19-829464-1doi:10.1093/0198294646.001.0001

Abstract: The contributions in this book address several themes relating to the institutional development of the European Community, and range in focus from the specific to the panoramic. Some analyse specific policy sectors such as free movement, competition policy, external trade, monetary and exchange-rate policies, social provisions, structural policy, telecommunications, environment, and foreign and security policies. Others discuss overarching configurations of EC policy domains and relations between EC entities. The chapters are organized into three groups: first, those that involve a transaction-based theory of integration; second, those whose primary concern is institutionalization, including both the evolution of rules and organizations, and the changing pattern of control by member states; third, those offering a broad perspective on the development of the EC in its organizational structures and its legitimacy in the eyes of public opinion.

Keywords: European Community, European integration, transaction-based theory
European Integration After Amsterdam

Neunreither, Karlheinz (Editor), Professor of Political Sciene, University of Heidelberg
Wiener, Antje (Editor), Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Hannover

Institutional Dynamics and Prospects for Democracy
Publication date 2000 (this edition)Print ISBN-10: 0-19-829640-1 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-19-829640-9doi:10.1093/0198296401.001.0001

Abstract: European integration is at a turning point with implications for all member states and their citizens. The Amsterdam Treaty marked a shift towards constitutional issues. Integration has involved a continually evolving process of constitution-making. A group of leading scholars argues that the shift towards constitutional issues is rooted not only in the issues on the European level but also in shifting models of political and economic organization in the member states. Paradoxically, however, this push towards integration is accompanied by a number of institutional changes and political decisions, which challenge the picture of ongoing integration and indicate a shift towards a new pluralism in the Euro-polity. The contributors address questions such as what are the likely effects of the Amsterdam treaty changes in comparison with Maastricht?; How will these changes affect the complex balance among the governing institutions of the EU?; And what will be the implications for the lingering quest for democracy?

Keywords: constitution, European integration, governance, polity, citizens, intergovernmental politics, membership, pluralism, policy-making, Treaty of Amsterdam

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Измествам темата.

За да се извърши, каквото и да било с помощта на интернет, първо трябва да има интернет: достъпен, надежден, бърз.

Нуждаем се от компютърна зала. Казахте, че е спечелен конкурс за държавна поръчка и всеки момент да очакваме машините, всеки момент от няколко години насам. Откровено казано, това не подклажда у мен възторжен ентусиазъм.

Необходимо е да се изпрати гневно писмо на изпълнителите, в което да им бъде напомнето за техните задължения. Тъй като съм убеден, че това едва ли ще ги мотивира достатъчно, ще се наложи да се обърнем към медиите. Може би ново посещение на канал едно, което да обърне внимание не само на санитарните условия...

В този европейски потоп, заливащ медийния ни свят, когато остават по-малко от хиляда часа до 1.01, репортаж за нуждите на обучаващите се евроинтегратори би дошъл тъкмо на мястото си.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

About Me

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My name is Dobrin Stanev. Welcome to my blog dedicated to International Political Theory. My sphere of interests also includes European integration, because I graduated with a degree in European studies from the Sofia University